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Have you ever answered to the most irritating and irrelevant questions in your Life Why don’t you reply to my messages? Why you haven’t commented on my FB DP? You are still online? For whom your status is? Why don’t you pick my Call? Your phone was busy where were you busy and with whom? Where the hell you were whole day?

Yes, these are most frustrating and unanswerable questions asked by every particular youth to one another. These questions are fake and so  are there relationships in today generation.  Possessiveness, insecurity are some of the common words in a relationship which only depends on a small message or a call. How every Boy and Girl become “MAMA” and “PAPA” by using certain dialogues “MERE BABY NE KHANA KAHAYA?” “KYA KAR RHA HAI MERA BCHA” 😛 😀

We are here to explore this FUNDA  with complete elaboration and explanation. We at Digital Relationship will show you that How today’s relationships are based on these so called applications and inventions.

Wo kehte haina yeh toh abhi trailer hai picture abhi baki hai mere dost”

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